Rose Ranger‘s new single, “Dear Dad,” is a poignant, tender reflection on loss...
Author - William Brookson
Blue Pilot Delivers a Psychedelic Spin on Club Chaos with...
Blue Pilot, an experimental duo who blend jazz, pop, and psychedelia, have dropped a new single...
Toronto Americana-Rock Band Permilla’s “It...
Permilla is one of Toronto’s most dynamic up-and-coming bands, bringing a mix of rock & roll...
Saskatoon/Toronto Artist Vikki Minor’s Grunge Anthem...
Vikki Minor, an award-nominated neo-90s alt-rock artist, unveils her latest single, “The...
Step Into a Magnetic Dreamworld with Canadian Artist Lyubov...
Lyubov Kay’s latest single, “cU,” explores the magnetic pull of dreams and memories through a...
Interview: Antoniya Unleashes Addictive New Dance Track...
Antoniya is one of Montreal’s most captivating new voices in the electro-dance scene, known...
Eclectic Danish Alt-Rocker, Mullet-Connoisseur & Fuzz-Lover...
Behind the name and the electric guitar, you’ll find Danish singer/songwriter and fuzz-loving...
Toronto-Based CON THE ARTIST Reflects on Love and Loss with...
Emerging singer-songwriter CON THE ARTIST unveils Best Days, a deeply personal EP capturing moments...