CANADA Toronto

Toronto alt-folk songstress Kalila Badali shares anxiety induced bop “Helpless”

Kalila Badali is a unique and captivating songwriter/alt-folk artist emerging from Toronto.  As a licensed Psychotherapist and personally neurodivergent person her music is both outwardly and inwardly cathartic.   Kalila has started a unique and vibrant psychotherapy practice working with neurodivergent, LGBTQ2SIA+, and arts workers providing Music-Integrated Psychotherapy. This has led to offering workshops to emerging artists on musician’s mental health.  

“Helpless” is an ethereal, galloping single with a triumphantly manic pacing driven from its lyrical meaning.  “Helpless is a guilt ridden, anxiety induced dance track lamenting the slow process of changing unhelpful behaviours.”  “Helpless” is the deliberate start track from her cohesive upcoming EP Panaceas “Realizing you don’t really know how to change is a great way to spur the search for Panaceas (A.K.A a cure all).”