Interview with Otherkin

Jon Berrien

Dublin based alt-rock band Otherkin have been on grind, creating a stir with gnawing guitar riffs. The four piece recently dropped their As A High EP and as expected, it does not disappoint. 

GroundSounds recently caught up with the guys for an exclusive interview, check it out below. 

For those just discovering Otherkin, how did you guys get together and form the band? 

3 of us lived together in Toronto one summer, the people we were surrounded by had us playing music more regularly than ever. Around 12 months after Toronto we deiced to form the band, we found Rob trolling hard on message boards and thought he was the perfect fit.

How did you guys come up with name Otherkin?

One of us read about Otherkin in a newspaper and thought it was both interesting and also had a ring to it, we’ve been stuck with it ever since. We definitely don’t get enough hate mail off people who think they’re dragons. 

Can you tell us about working your latest As A High EP? What was the most challenging and rewarding parts- in regards to bringing it all together?

The EP was recorded in two studio’s in two different times of the year. We started the project with Cronan Creagh at Windmill Lane and finished it with Peter Ashmore at The Shed Studio. The end results took the best parts from both sessions and SLN ended up having a completely different vibe to it after the second sessions with Peter.

How did you decide on the EP name As A High?

As A High really sums up the EP sonically, it has both soft moody parts and crushing heavy parts too. It balances out the EP and portrays the energy we wanted to communicate on this record.

What was it like filming the music video for SLN?  What was this day like? What was the most favorable moment from the shoot?

It was a LONG day, we started shooting at 10am and finished at around 9pm with only one pizza break. Narayan was an amazing guy to work with, it was really cool, especially with him being involved. The guys who own the house helped every bit as much as the band – so that was essentially the crew on the day. The best feeling was watching some of the scene’s back after wrapping up the shooting and realising our twisted vision was about to come to life!

What music are you guys currently listening to?

Conor: Kate Bush

Rob: The Hives

Dave: Fidlar

Luke: Spoon

What do you guys enjoy most about performing live?

We’re very much a live band, we like to change up our set and live show as much as possible. It’s the unplanned things though that are the best, having a crowd bounce off you is an amazing feeling. Hearing people sing along to your songs is one of the most rewarding feelings possible.

What is one thing that everyone should do or see in Dublin?

Pizza Dog, its a pizza and a hot dog. 

What are you guys currently working on?

We’re about to play with Palma Violets in Cork tomorrow, then we’re also working on our new single. It’s written we just need to record it!